It's officially time to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
It probably doesn't seem that I blog that I often, but I finally made it to my 100th blog post. Yeah me!
I've been thinking about what I would write about, but nothing wonderful has come to mind.
So, I thought I would write about what has been on my mind this morning.
First, we did have a wonderful Thanksgiving break. It was so wonderful being off and spending time with family. We got to spend some time on the coast, and had a GREAT thanksgiving meal with Patrick's extended family on his mom's side, and we got to have a WONDERFUL meal with my family. There was a little shopping that took place, some beautiful swags made (by Patrick's mom), and even some trash made. And the Eagles beat Memphis on Saturday for a chance to win the conference. It really was an awesome time. It truly was a time to be thankful, for we are incredibly blessed.
And now the Christmas spirit is in full swing. We have the house decorated, and the presents are being bought. It really is the "most wonderful time of the year". I love it, people are happy, the decorations are hung, and there is a lot of joy in the air. But, really it's a celebration of our Savior being born because without HIM what would life be like? I am thankful we do not have to find out.
However, I realized as I was listening to the radio this morning, that this season is not joyful for everyone. Maybe you are sick, have lost a love one, cannot be with family, etc... A radio station was fulfilling Christmas wishes, and a lady wrote in saying she wanted her parents to be able to fly to see her brother during Christmas because he was leaving for a 6 month mission with the Navy right after the holidays. However, the dad had not worked in the last year, and money was tight. But, the radio station is making this possible. The family was overjoyed, it was such a heart warming story. It made me realize many people do not have their loved ones with them over the holidays, and there are some people who don't see much joy during this season. It made me even more thankful for being able to see most of my family, and having them fairly close. I think it is something we can take for granted. There might be times when we are on each other's nerves, but at the end of day we are a blessed family to be able to spend the holidays together. Everything doesn't have to be perfect, it's not about the most expensive gifts, but about the simple fact of being together. It also made me realize even more how a simple acts of kindness especially during the holiday season can go a long way. We do not always know a person's story, but at the end of the day a simple gesture may have made a huge difference. A challenge to myself...
Now do not get my wrong, I love receiving presents as much as the next person, but my heart also loves to give. And we are not rich, and cannot buy everything we might like to. However, it's not just about the material things. I hope that Patrick and I will be able to set an example for our children one day, that it is not always about our wants, but about what we can give as well.
Anyway, that was just on my heart this morning as I listened to the radio and read other stories about being "alone" during the holidays. It is sometimes easy to live in our bubbles and forget what it might be like for others. This holiday season our hearts deeply miss my great aunt Geet, and Patrick's Maw-Maw. It's just not the same, but what a party I am sure they are having in Heaven. We love them, and miss them both.
I'll be back soon to share our Christmas decorations with you. I guess I better get busy changing the blog!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!