The most precious boy was born on March 22, 2011 at 3:44am. He weighed 4lbs 15.7oz and was 18.25 inches long. He may have been a little one, but he is packing on the pounds now. At his two week check-up he was up to 6lbs 4.8 oz. We are so glad he is gaining weight and is a healthy little boy.
A few hours old. |
So much love from his Mom and Dad |
We are all so in love with him. My heart is just filled with so much joy. We got to the hospital right after he was born, and the blinds were raised in the nursery. It was the most beautiful sight. He is truly a blessing. It was so fun seeing Patrick with him too. He loved on him, and wanted to hold him as much as everyone else. It warmed my heart. We didn't get to stay very long, and I am dying to go back. That will be happening very soon. I can't wait to love on him some more and also his parents, and of course his brother Albe! :-)
I also want to say that I am so proud of Adam and Amy. They are such great parents and their hearts are so overjoyed with their new addition. Some of their nights have been long, but their joy never dies. I am so excited to watch them walk this journey.
Sweet Cameron, Uncle Pat-Pat and Aunt LiLi love you so much! We can't wait to see the plans the Lord has for you. You are one special little boy. Can't wait to see you again.
So precious |
Proud Aunt LiLi |
Proud Uncle Pat Pat |
Southern Miss To The Top! |
The siblings with the newest addition. My where has the time gone. Our brother is a daddy! |
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