Friday, February 24, 2012

Last Weekend, This Weekend

Anyone still reading this blog!?!

It is Friday again! Thank goodness. This has been a long week. It's been good, frustrating, and okay. I guess that's not a terrible week. I survived two big programs that I had this week so that is a good thing. However, I started feeling bad again on Wednesday. I was thinking, "not this again." I did get another round of antibiotics called in since I gave them all my money the last time I went. Hopefully, this will kick it to the curb once and for all. I have to get well before my vacation!!! (yes, I'm going on a cruise) Woohoo! I can hardly wait!! Raise your hand if you need a vacation!?!?! I'm raising both hands!!

Well, last weekend I headed to Jackson to see Lori and Jame's new house. They are all moved in and trying to get settled. I'm so proud of them. They are very blessed to already have a wonderful home. It was great being there and spending time with them. We didn't do too much. It was a rainy, cold weekend. However, Adam, Amy, Cameron, and Albe made the trip over on Saturday. It was such a treat to see them and spend time with sweet Cameron. I know I might be a little biased, but he is so sweet and just melts your heart. He is growing up so fast. He will be a year next month. It was fun to see all his new "tricks." He's such a sweet baby, with a fun personality. If only he would learn that sleep is good for him, right mom and dad!?! Ah.. maybe one day! And despite what they may say, it was really nice to catch up with Adam and Amy too. It has been too long. It was surreal for Adam, Lori, and I to all be sitting there in Lori's house. Our baby sister!!! Man, where has the time gone? She will be married in a few short months. Now, don't get me wrong I had my fair share of times of fighting with my siblings. You can can imagine as the middle child that I was not treated nicely all the time (haha), but I wouldn't trade them for the world. We are all growing up, and our lives are changing so much, however, I hope we always find the time to spend together even if it's just a simple weekend.  I missed Patrick, but it was nice to see everyone in Jackson.

This weekend is filled with sporting events. I think I will stay at home for most of them. It has turned cold again here. I might go to the basketball game tomorrow night. Our team started off so well and has struggled down the stretch. I really hope they can get it together. Sunday is Lauren's baby shower at church. I'm so excited for her, Patrick, and Mary Douglas. I know they will get wonderful things to fill their home with for when Mary Douglas gets to come home. I need to finish shopping, and run some other errands also. Hopefully, it will be a laid back weekend.

And the Lenton season has begun. I went to Ash Wednesday, and was really challenged by the service. Jesus made the ultimate sacrafice. Many people give up something at Lent, but we were also challenged to take up something.... I'll have to write more about that later!

Hope everyone has a good one... until next time!

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