1. He loves me always!
2. He cooks!
3. He makes me laugh!
4. He helps me see the positive in all situations!
5. He always encourages me!
6. He makes me feel special!
Happy Anniversary Patrick! I love you very much!
So, what else has been going on in the Lowery household. Not too much. Work has been extremely busy for both of us, so that has kept us running. I did get a NEW car (okay new to us). We were able to buy a SUV from Patrick's parents at a great price. We (especially me) are super duper excited! Now, I just need to sell my car and we will be in good shape, but I am hopeful!
My sister has moved into her new apartment to start her big girl job! I am so proud of her for facing this journey! I know she will do great things. She has a really nice place, and I think she will really like living there!
This weekend Patrick's parents are coming to stay with us, so there is should to be golf and shopping. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend!
Oh yeah, I did attempt to make a turtle cheesecake. Hope it turns out good! I'll let you know!