Friday, February 24, 2012

Last Weekend, This Weekend

Anyone still reading this blog!?!

It is Friday again! Thank goodness. This has been a long week. It's been good, frustrating, and okay. I guess that's not a terrible week. I survived two big programs that I had this week so that is a good thing. However, I started feeling bad again on Wednesday. I was thinking, "not this again." I did get another round of antibiotics called in since I gave them all my money the last time I went. Hopefully, this will kick it to the curb once and for all. I have to get well before my vacation!!! (yes, I'm going on a cruise) Woohoo! I can hardly wait!! Raise your hand if you need a vacation!?!?! I'm raising both hands!!

Well, last weekend I headed to Jackson to see Lori and Jame's new house. They are all moved in and trying to get settled. I'm so proud of them. They are very blessed to already have a wonderful home. It was great being there and spending time with them. We didn't do too much. It was a rainy, cold weekend. However, Adam, Amy, Cameron, and Albe made the trip over on Saturday. It was such a treat to see them and spend time with sweet Cameron. I know I might be a little biased, but he is so sweet and just melts your heart. He is growing up so fast. He will be a year next month. It was fun to see all his new "tricks." He's such a sweet baby, with a fun personality. If only he would learn that sleep is good for him, right mom and dad!?! Ah.. maybe one day! And despite what they may say, it was really nice to catch up with Adam and Amy too. It has been too long. It was surreal for Adam, Lori, and I to all be sitting there in Lori's house. Our baby sister!!! Man, where has the time gone? She will be married in a few short months. Now, don't get me wrong I had my fair share of times of fighting with my siblings. You can can imagine as the middle child that I was not treated nicely all the time (haha), but I wouldn't trade them for the world. We are all growing up, and our lives are changing so much, however, I hope we always find the time to spend together even if it's just a simple weekend.  I missed Patrick, but it was nice to see everyone in Jackson.

This weekend is filled with sporting events. I think I will stay at home for most of them. It has turned cold again here. I might go to the basketball game tomorrow night. Our team started off so well and has struggled down the stretch. I really hope they can get it together. Sunday is Lauren's baby shower at church. I'm so excited for her, Patrick, and Mary Douglas. I know they will get wonderful things to fill their home with for when Mary Douglas gets to come home. I need to finish shopping, and run some other errands also. Hopefully, it will be a laid back weekend.

And the Lenton season has begun. I went to Ash Wednesday, and was really challenged by the service. Jesus made the ultimate sacrafice. Many people give up something at Lent, but we were also challenged to take up something.... I'll have to write more about that later!

Hope everyone has a good one... until next time!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Not My Week

Ever had one of those weeks where nothing seems to go right? Mine was last week. On my way home from work on Monday someone rear ended me, bumped me is probably more like it. Thankfully, no one was hurt, I didn't hit the car in front of me, and there was no damage. It really was a blessing. But, let me tell you it scared me half to death. I had no idea it was coming, he claimed his foot slipped off the break... I believed him. This was really the first encounter that I have had with any kind of wreck, and I really didn't know what to do. Do I stay put? Do I pull over? Do I get out? Do I call the police? I mean I just didn't know. They should teach you these things... In the end, I am glad everyone and everything was okay.

So, move along to Tuesday about lunch time I noticed my throat starting to hurt on the right side. I didn't think too much about it. I even went and walked with my mom. By the time I got home, I didn't feel great, but it wasn't terrible. Well, it all changed right before bed. I started feeling terrible, and the fever hit. It was no fun. I don't remember being this miserable in a long time. And I couldn't sleep... I just prayed for 8:00 to come so I could go to the doctor. And if you know me, you know I hate going to the doctor, but I knew something was wrong. When Patrick asked me that morning how I felt, I sad "terrible." He said he knew then it was not good. I drug myself out of bed and to the doctor. I didn't have to wait too long to go back, but then it felt like I was in the room forever. After a confirmed strep test, a shot, and prescription, I was on my way. The next two days were no fun. I don't remember feeling so bad in a long time. Fever with not being able to swallow=no fun.

Patrick was such a trooper, although he wouldn't get near me. But, who can blame him, you should have seen my throat.  I am glad to finally be feeling better. Now, I just need to get ride of my "smoker's" cough.

Thankful for a new week because last week was sure not my week!

***And if could please pray for Lauren and Patrick Hutto and their sweet baby girl Mary Douglas. She was born almost 8 weeks early. Lauren is doing much better and was released from the hospital, but Mary Douglas is still in the NICU. She has done pretty well, but I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers as she continues to grow and get stronger.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Anniversary!!!

On January 30th Patrick and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. It really is kind of hard to believe it's been two years. What a two years it has been. I don't brag on Patrick too much, but I have to say I am a very blessed girl. We have for sure had our ups and downs over these last 2 years and all of our years of dating, but we make it work, we stick together. He makes me laugh, he picks me up when I am down, he prays for me, he wipes my tears, he takes care of me, he helps me make decisions, he is sweet, compassionate, loving, caring, and so much more. See, I told you I was blessed. We really were meant for each other. I am so glad God had him in His plans. As we reflected on the last year of marriage, our biggest moment was buying our first home. What a crazy a few months that was. But, we love our house, and are so blessed to have a home to come to everyday.

The weekend of our anniversary we headed to the coast to see Patrick's family and eat and at some of our favorite places. Saturday morning we got up and drove to Daphne, AL to spend the next two nights. That Saturday night be an all-time favorite day. The weather was beautiful, and we had the BEST day together. We did a little shopping, ate at 5 Guys, and headed to the golf course. I brought my kindle so I could read, but I ended up not reading all that much. I loved watching Patrick do what he loves, and I got to shoot the range finder, and hit a few balls in between. Talk about quality time... It really was so much fun. We then hit a few more shops and headed to check-in the hotel. If you know me well, you know how much I love hotels! I was so excited. That night we got ready and headed to Ruth Chris.. an anniversary tradition. We had wonderful food, and great conversation. Sunday, Patrick got to play golf with his dad while I shopped with the girls. Sunday night was spent relaxing in the hotel. We did run out for a midnight snack, and just had to best time. Monday was time to head home, but not before we had lunch at Styx. It may have been just a small get-a-way, but it was quality time spent together that was priceless. I am thankful we had the opportunity. It truly was a GREAT weekend.

Happy Anniversary Patrick! Here's to many more wonderful years!
(sorry, this is a little late, but I got around to it eventually).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It is now February...

Well, as you can see I have started off the new year in a blogging rut, and it is now February. There have been many blog worthy things lately, I just have not gotten around to posting them. I'll get there.. I promise.. maybe... :-)

Anyways, I have a few things I want to blog about, our 2nd wedding anniversary, the Memphis basketball game, and my first wreck (no worries, I or the vehicle was not hurt).

I hope you will come back to read about the events unfolding in our lives lately. I'll try and be better. I really will! :-)