Friday, October 8, 2010

Do you like it!?!

Do you like my new blog header!?! Isn't it wonderful! I owe my great friend Samantha McCain a huge thanks for creating it for me. I just love it. I have no creative bones in my body, but I just send her some pictures, and she makes it work. I am so thankful for her. She is always patient and puts up with my craziness when it comes to the blogging world!

Well, life has been busy. But, when is it not? We have enjoyed the wonderful weather we have been having. It has been awesome! Football is in full swing, and it is keeping us very busy. However, we would not have it any other way. This weeks is Homecoming. A special time for the University. It is fun watching everyone come back to USM. We are looking forward to a day full of tailgating and an awesome game to follow. The Rock should be rocking! Hoping for a great game! :-)

Work has been keeping both Patrick and I extremely busy. We are ready for a break. Next week I celebrate the BIG 25! I just can't believe it. Where has the time gone? Patrick loves when I have a birthday because then I become a year older than him (not really a year, but we are different ages for a little while). Oh well, what can I say? He married a wiser woman! ha! I am looking forward to next week because on Friday we are leaving for Memphis. And as a birthday present to myself I am taking off next Friday and Monday! That means two 4 day work weeks in a row. I think that I am going to like that. I thought about taking off my actual birthday (Thursday), but surely it can't be too bad working on your birthday. We shall see!

Maybe, I can convince my husband to make a blogging appearance soon. I will see what I can do. I possibly can pull it off since my birthday is happening soon! But, I do want to say that I received my first birthday card today. It was from the President of the University! :-) How thoughtful! I do love birthdays... I love other people's birthdays because it's a chance to make them feel extra special and a day to truly celebrate them. So, likewise, I enjoy my birthday because I feel extra special and enjoy the sweet comments and well wishes from friends and family. I am in great hopes that the BIG 25 will be a great year!

Well, hopefully I will return soon for a good update from this weekend! Let's go Eagles!!