So, last night Patrick and I went to the USM football signing day social. We were seating at at a table waiting to get our food, when this dad and two boys asked if they could sit with us. From first glance it looked the dad was there with his two (probably around 12 years old and 5 years old) sons. However, after watching them, and later talking to them we realized it was a much different story. As we watched this father talk to the boys about USM football, encourage them to get Larry Fedora so sign the younger boy's football, and listening to them talk about all the pictures they had taken with the cheerleaders and football players, my heart was warmed. They were all so happy. The older boy was so nice to the younger one. They talked and laughed, and were having a great time. When it came time to get in line for food, I saw out of the corner of my eye the older boy help the younger with his plate.
You see, most of the time I work with people who have had their children taken away, who may or may not care if they get them back. Or I encounter a pregnant woman who smokes, many people who are on drugs, and teenagers who think that violence is the only answer. It is sometimes easy to forget all the "good" in the world.
However, last night I was so humbled. Patrick and I later learned that only the older boy was his father's real son. The younger boy's father had passed away from leukemia. Yet, he said they were good friends of the family, and he felt the boy was at an age where he would enjoy things like the signing day social, and they wanted to give him some male bonding. What a self-less act. I just sat there in awe watching the three of them interact. I could not help but to think that this boy's father was smiling down, and so very thankful for other men who had stepped into his son's life (the little boy has two sisters at home). It truly brought tears to my eyes. That family was not hanging out with he little boy because they had to, but because they truly wanted to.
I just wanted to share. I thought about it all night. It was such an example of the love Christ has for us, and this family was sharing it with others. The younger boy adored the older one, and it was so obvious. They were all so happy. It really was a wonderful sight!
PS: I still have to post about our anniversary. I will get to it soon! Right now South MS is experiencing winter weather. It is such a crazy time of the year. I guess we will see what happens.
Happy 9 years, Sarah!
5 years ago